
The settlements on Grasond are strategically located to leverage natural resources, support the local economy, and sustain community life.

MINURĜO: Centrally located near the fertile southern plains, Minurĝo is the largest settlement and serves as the administrative and economic center of Grasond. It boasts a robust infrastructure, with facilities for trade, governance, and cultural activities.

KAMPOURBO: Positioned in the western grasslands, Kampourbo is an agricultural hub known for its livestock and crop production. The community here places a strong emphasis on sustainable farming practices.

FORGURBO: Near Mineral Canyon, Forgurbo is a mining town focused on extracting iron and copper. The settlement has a gritty, practical atmosphere, shaped by the hard work and risk associated with mining.

RIFUĜURBO: Situated near the eastern rocky outcrops, Rifuĝurbo is a smaller, more isolated settlement that specializes in crafts, particularly those using quartz and other silicate materials.

MARA HAVENO: On the northern coast near Vista Bluff, Mara Haveno is a coastal community that supports fishing and small-scale mineral extraction. Its residents are known for their skill in coastal navigation and trade.

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