World Trade Federation

The World Trade Federation provides collaborative governance, policymaking, and oversight of trade and security.

The World Trade Federation is the central governing body that unites all colonies in Stela Mondo through a collaborative, deliberative process. It functions much like a spacefaring United Nations, bringing together representatives from each colony to create and enforce policy that ensures the prosperity, security, and stability of the entire colony network.


The federation comprises delegations from each colony, known as the Trade Congress. Each colony sends 25 elected delegates to represent its interests in the federation. These delegates are elected by members of the colony’s Trade Guilds, ensuring that the voices of corporations, labor groups, and small businesses are fairly represented.

Regardless of size or population, every colony has 25 delegates and 25 votes in the federation, ensuring an equitable balance of power across the colonies.

The federation convenes in sessions that rotate among the colonies in a round-robin fashion. This rotating location prevents any one colony from becoming the center of political power and encourages cooperation and equity among the colonies.

Policy Resolutions

The federation is responsible for debating, drafting, and voting on resolutions that address inter-colony issues such as trade regulations, environmental policies, security coordination, and technological advancement. These resolutions serve as guidelines for the colonies to work toward common goals while allowing flexibility in how they are implemented.

Once passed, resolutions are interpreted and applied by the Trade Guilds in each colony. This allows each colony to adapt policies to their local conditions, resources, and capacities while still adhering to the overarching goals of the federation.

Colony Administration

In addition to their role in the federation, the Trade Congress in each colony serves as the administrative authority for the colony’s Trade Guilds. This dual function allows the delegates to manage local trade and economic policies while also representing the colony on the inter-colony stage.

The Trade Congress oversees the operations of the Trade Guilds within the colony, ensuring that industries operate smoothly, ethically, and in line with the broader resolutions passed by the federation.

World Bank Board

The federation holds significant authority over the World Bank as it is responsible for appointing the bank's Board of Directors. This board directs the actions of the bank, ensuring that its operations, such as corporate licensing, monetary policy, and security force management, align with the resolutions passed by the federation.

Peace and Stability

The federation also plays a critical role in maintaining peace and stability across the colonies. By centralizing key decisions regarding security forces, trade regulations, and inter-colony diplomacy, the federation helps prevent conflicts and fosters cooperation.

Through its collaboration with the World Bank, the federation ensures that peacekeeping and law enforcement across the colonies are managed fairly and consistently, reducing the risk of local corruption or inter-colony disputes.

The federation wields significant soft power through its ability to set the agenda for colony-wide economic and security policies. While the federation itself does not directly enforce laws, its resolutions carry considerable weight, as they are backed by the World Bank, which can use its financial and security oversight to apply pressure on colonies to comply with federation policies.

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